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Meditation, Hypnotherapy Meditation, Guided Meditation Weight Loss, meditation jealousy, hypnotherapy overeating, hypnosis

Escape the Stress: Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Renewal.


A relaxing, calming journey of Guided Meditation for Stress Relief. Imagery and visualisation to combat the emotional and pysical symptoms of stress and anxiety.

  • Are you finding it hard to sleep, worrying about the future?
  • Are you anxious about your health or the health of your loved ones?
  • Are finacial hardships making life more stessful than usual?
  • Do you feel as if there is never enough “me time” in your life?
  • Do you find it hard to really switch off and relax, unless you are asleep?
  • Do you think you look older than your age because of stress-lines and wrinkles on your face?
  • Are you always looking for something to do, dashing around all day, then find you are too shattered to sleep?


If you can answer 'yes' to all or some of the above, then guided meditation is for you.


File format: Zipped folder containing mp3 files

Relax and Recharge: Guided Meditation and De-Stress

    • Track 1, Introduction to Guided Meditation, Imagery and Visualisation
    • Track 2, Information about Stress
    • Track 3, Guided Meditation, relaxation of the entire body, deeper calming of the mind followed by a gentle stroll along a sunny beach. The music and sounds of the sea and waves then continue for further relaxation.
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