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Writer's pictureAlan Shinwell

The Best Hypnosis Downloads: Ultimate Guide to Powerful Self-Help Audios

Updated: Aug 30

Listening to Hypnosis

Are you tired of struggling with an Addiction, Bad Habits or a Fear?

Hypnosis downloads might be the solution you’ve been looking for. Whether you’re aiming for personal growthbetter health or overcoming personal or professional challenges, this guide will help you determine if hypnosis is a path you want to explore.

Changing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be a daunting challenge.  

We all know the struggle, we start with lots of good intentions but end up with limited results.

Discover how Hypnosis Downloads can make this achievable and make it happen.

Face-to-Face Hypnotherapy V Hypnosis Downloads.

A woman being Hypnotised

Hypnosis downloads offer unparalleled convenience and affordability compared to traditional face-to-face hypnosis sessions. While traditional sessions can be costly and time-consuming, due to travel and time constraints, downloads, kept on your device provide accessibility at your fingertips. Enjoy the benefits of hypnosis without budget, time or location constraints. Additionally, some people may feel more comfortable using hypnosis downloads due to the privacy and flexibility they offer.

Choosing the Best Hypnosis Download for you.

Selecting the best hypnosis download to achieve the best outcomes. With so many options available, it's essential to consider your specific goals and needs. Let's look at the key factors to help you make the best choice.

At the very top of your list should be the therapist’s qualifications.

Hypnotherapists qualifications

If you are purchasing your download from a website, the therapist’s experience and qualifications should be clearly displayed. It wouldn’t be difficult for someone without any experience or qualifications to download a hypnosis script, record it and offer it for sale, without the knowledge of any contraindications. This is the kind of BIO that you should be looking for and this is why our Hypnosis Downloads are continually top rated.

You may be tempted to buy your hypnosis recording on a CD from one of the many auction sites but do be aware that these recordings, usually on offer for just a few pounds, have been doing the rounds for years. People buy them with 'resale' rights. The quality is usually poor and they get sold on and on.

At this point, before you read on, you should be aware that If you suffer from schizophrenia, paranoia, psychopathy any psychosis or are violent, then hypnotherapy cannot help you. If you suffer from persistent or chronic symptoms, such as high or low blood pressure that is not being controlled with medication, please consult your doctor or practitioner for advice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Hypnosis Downloads

Woman Listening to the Best Hypnosis Downloads

Hypnosis is not a cure; it’s an aid that helps the subconscious mind change how it processes information. This allows new ideas, thoughts, sensations, visions, and experiences to become embedded in the memory so that they can be recalled when needed. Any suggestions or ideas that are unacceptable to you in a wakeful state will be just as unacceptable in a hypnotic state; therefore, hypnotherapy and the state of hypnosis cannot make you say or do anything that you would not normally do.

You may have questions such as:

How long does Hypnotherapy take to work? When should I listen to my session and how often?

Can I just stop listening and awaken whenever I want to?

Will I fall asleep and will it still work if I do?

Can I listen to more than one session in a day?

Is Hypnotherapy suitable for everyone?

We have in depth answers to all of these questions on our FAQ Page so please take a look to find out more

Beware of Exaggerated Claims.

Hypnosis Downloads, exaggerated claims.

Some producers of Hypnotherapy sessions make outrageous claims, such as losing large amounts of body fat/weight or it can make certain 'body parts' larger (or smaller). These claims are totally unrealistic and you will be disappointed if this is your goal.

However, hypnosis for Positive Body Image can change the way you feel about your body and help you to like the way you look without resorting to invasive procedures or temporary fixes.

Hypnotherapy can certainly help change your eating habits, choice of foods and drink and alter your mindset where these are concerned; this is how weight loss it achieved with Hypnosis but it's simple math's, less food, less calories, less sugar, less fat and you will lose weight!

Free Hypnosis Downloads.

Woman looking for the best hypnosis download

While many people are attracted to offerings of free hypnosis downloads, it's vital to have realistic expectations. Some sellers offer free samples to show their skills, and these may sound good but provide only a limited experience. To truly utilize the potential of hypnosis investing in a high-quality, comprehensive program might be the best approach. Having said that, if you have never listened to hypnosis before, then a free taster may be a great introduction to hypnosis for you.

Jack of all trades:

You might come across hypnosis providers offering thousands of recordings on every topic under the sun. While choice is great, it's important to remember that being a jack-of-all-trades can sometimes mean being a master of none. True expertise comes from focusing on specific areas. A provider who specialises in a few carefully written recordings is often more likely to deliver the results you're looking for. For example, Sharon Shinwell has worked with dentists for many years and so had the experience to produce our Overcome Fear of The Dentist session. Sharon was also a smoking cessation advisor for the NHS so she had the expertise to produce our Quit Smoking session. She has also been a keen skier for many years and knows only too well about how nerves can affect the way you ski and for those people we have Hypnotherapy for the fear of skiing. Do you see what I mean?

For over 25 years, Sharon had the privilege of supporting professionals in nursing, teaching, and caring roles, witnessing the transformative power of hypnotherapy firsthand. Their unwavering dedication often leaves them feeling burnt out and depleted. That's why She created Self Hypnosis UK, a platform offering accessible and effective hypnosis downloads to help them - and you - take back control and create lasting change.

Stage Hypnosis.

Stage hypnosis is an entertainment. The participants are carefully selected for their suggestibility, they are there to 'perform' and as human beings, we like be part of a collective experience and do the same as our peers. It would be a very brave person to admit in front of an audience and a so called 'expert' that they feel nothing and they could quite easily just walk away! Clinical Hypnotherapy is about a long-term behaviour change, aimed specifically at that one person and their subconscious mind. The reasons for wanting such change can be many and varied but certainly it's not an endless list! For example Achieve weight loss or to Quit smoking for good

The Best Hypnosis Downloads for Fears and Phobias.

Hypnosis Downloads for Fears and Phobias

Let us suppose that you’ve had a negative experience in the past, your unconscious mind may bring back all the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with that experience the next time you try to do something similar.​ During a Hypnosis session, it is the sub-conscious part of the mind that is spoken to, where new ideas, concepts and affirmations can be implanted and it is here that old limiting beliefs, fears and phobias can be changed and eliminated. You may have a Fear of Driving or you might suffer from Panic or Anxiety Attacks, lack confidence in Social situations known as Social Phobia Hypnosis can help you to eliminate these fears and you can finally become the person you always wanted to be.

The Best Hypnosis Downloads for Personal Development.

Hypnosis Downloads for Personal Development

Wanting to change how you feel, react or behave in any given situation can be tough, especially if these feelings have been around for a long time but Hypnosis Downloads can make this much easier. Everything starts with a “thought”, often a negative one, so changing how you think is the key to changing how you feel, react and behave, this is what Hypnosis can do. Once your thoughts are more positive, rational and realistic, your personal development will know no boundaries. Example: Lack of Confidence can be a thing of the past which in turn can widen your career opportunities. Having a Positive Mental Attitude to life can can help you Manage stress, cope with negative situations, and reduce the risk of Depression and other mental health problems. It can also lead to better mood, clearer thinking and greater creativity.

The Best Hypnosis Downloads for Habits and Addictions.

Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious part of the mind where we store all our ideas and thoughts but sometimes it stores the wrong information, so that our reaction to something may be inappropriate or habitual such as Drinking too much alcohol. The key to undoing these unwanted behaviours and habits is to change the information the subconscious mind has stored. Once this is done the habit or behaviour associated with that idea or thought can be broken.

Hypnosis download to stop drinking

The Best Hypnosis Downloads for Health and Well-Being.

Hypnosis Downloads for Health and well-being

During hypnosis, focusing on specific biological and physiological aspects can trigger physical changes. This might include improved blood flow, dilated veins, a lowered heart rate, and even an increase in white blood cell count, which Strengthens the Immune System.​ By calming down the toxic effects of stress or anxiety and boosting the immune system the body can start to heal itself. Hypnotherapy is now a recognised form of therapy by the UK NHS and UK N.I.C.E for IBS, and it’s also used for Pain Management. And, if you long for a good night's sleep, listening to a hypnosis recording for Insomnia can be your best solution at bedtime.

In Conclusion.

Choosing the Best Hypnosis Download can be transformative. By carefully considering factors like the hypnotherapist's expertise, content quality, and customer feedback, you can find a program that aligns with your goals. Remember, a well-crafted hypnosis download can be a valuable tool for personal growth and well-being. How about visiting Our Store and see if you can find what you are looking for, most downloads are just £9.95. By the way, we have also produced a small range of Guided Meditation Downloads and we will write about those in our next post.

Sharon Shinwell Clinical Hypnotherapiat


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